Saturday, September 25, 2010

Living on a budget

It can be hard to survive if youre a student or single person on a low income.
Thats why i suggest getting used to shopping smart and buying the generic brands which are usually just as good but substantially cheaper.


  1. I wish I could live on a budget but I've spent so much on Magic: The Gathering that I can't.

  2. I'm currently studying abroad in Germany, and living on my own over here, I'm having to conduct a budget to make sure I'm not overspending and such. Penny Markts are my usual shopping place for food and other stuff.

    Also, the beer really is cheaper than water, IF, you buy it at the right place.

  3. Lacking money, needing foods. Seems like you're giving good advice :D

  4. No money or food... Join the club we have milk and cookies!

  5. The best tip I think, is finding ethnic markets (asian, eastern european, etc) because they cater to a group which is much smarter about shopping, so you can find better deals on higher quality foods. The asian supermarket I hit up has entire ducks for like 6$, you can get amazing cuts of beef for half price, they have "buy four for half price" deals on EVERYTHING. Shit is so cash. Literally.

  6. What ULTRA said. Just use your head while shopping(instead of going to McFatasses go buy yourself a kilo of rice)

  7. Good advice, it is easy to have decent, and tasty meals for cheap.

  8. It irritates me to no end when I hear of my friends complaining about how expense their groceries are. Then I see their fridge/pantry and it's filled with expensive, name brand shit!

  9. It looks like I'll be back to living on Ramen and tuna fish pretty soon...Christ...

  10. I'm going to be making a "starving mans" recipie book based on the food people have avalible in less developed countries later in the year *.* lol
